Being in love with my circle
Zoë Hart in her kitchen letting herself feel consumed with bliss as her loved ones mingled in her home.
As a social introvert, I learned 20 years ago that I could satisfy my need for socializing, good food, and being drenched in love if I hosted events in my house. I was in control of the things that mattered, and I felt joy inside and out every time.
This day more than delivered. It may have been one of the best days because I allowed myself to be more generous, accommodating, beautiful, and myself. Giving more made me feel even more in love with my friends.
I decided to move easily into the day and not worry about any outstanding details. I knew that all would be taken care of. I wrote in my journal, captured content for my Surrender Experiment, and just rested through my happiness. I knew full-heartedly that today was a day of bliss.
Several of the guests offered to help me in one way or another, which was perfect. Everything from setting up to getting ice, to taking photos, to washing dishes was entirely under control. It’s funny how I plan events. I pick the date and ask the chef to bring the food, and call it a day, lol. That level of planning is always enough.
I realize more every day that this is the life that I always wanted:
I know how to make myself happy.
I know how to attract people with fantastic energy into my life.
I have great, random outfits in my closet.
Plus,I care about consuming good quality food. What else can you ask for?
Zoë and Tenee acting silly together.
Miracles and Wonders
I let go and was completely myself for the entire day
I hosted an amazing Abundance Brunch
My guests cleaned up after the event, so I had nothing to do after everything was said and done.
I felt in love again, this time by giving.
I tell people that I host events to pour into others and myself. I get fulfillment, and my friends get to experience me taking care of them. It was a win-win scenario. This time I felt like I struck a heart cord with others more than usual. Several of my guests requested invites to future events. Others asked if I wanted to spend more one on one time together. A declarative follow-up game is everything to me. It was a sign that I was on the right path, doing what I needed to do by living my ideal life.
Zoë and Dayna allowing their energies to shine bright.
I realized that each part of my life feeds into the next. I was so grateful that my hiking group elevated my conscious level both on the trails and in my home.
Hike Life ATL members : Liz, Zoë, Quentin and LaShawnda . We’ve had so many experiences hiking across the state. It’s beautiful to experience the joy of life indoors too :)
I spent the end of the day thinking about how this day compared to my last full day of supportive bliss. Hosting events with loving, happy, and successful people was my default hack into my grounding happiness. Whereas on Tatiana’s Birthday for the first time, I was able to lean into playing a supporting role character entirely. I’ve found that most of my life, it was hard to find both a good supporting role and stay in that space for an elongated time, as I’m often pushed to the front.
While I was extremely happy and satisfied, I did briefly wonder why some people that I invited didn’t extend the courtesy of RSVPing or why others didn’t communicate that their plans changed. But, I reminded myself quickly that everyone that was supposed to be there was in fact, there. I was extremely happy and that I wouldn’t change anything in the world.
I’m letting go of controlling others.
I’m letting go of being impacted by the decisions of others.
I’m resting fully in my bliss.
Zoë’s enjoying the love :)
It was a perfect day.
Affirmations shared at the Brunch
This is my year- Melinda Weekes-Laidlow
All my needs are easily met, and all my desires are spontaneously fulfilled. - Elizabeth
Beauty is in your Peace - Pamela
Every meeting and interaction is divinely appointed- Marvin
In all things, stay positive- LaShawnda
You are enough- Roshawnna
I am going love to fill me up and guide me in all of my actions - Georgette Mondesire
It is infinitely better to plunge ahead and do what is required than it is to question your abilities and be paralyzed by doubt. - Franklin Delano Raines from the book Envy of the World by Ellis Cose
Everything is always working out Antonio
You clearly heard God’s instructions and guidance and faithfully and confidently obey. - Dayna Thomas
I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose, and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all, and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. - Farah Allen