listening to my body & water love affirmations
Zoë Hart enjoyed the spa during her evening break.
Today felt like a doover from last Monday. The only difference was that I needed to attack the day with the deep understanding that I could and would do everything I required.
The morning routine was easy, as I went to sleep early, full of love. As I transitioned to work mood, I saw the anxiety coming, but looked at it with love and followed the plan that I set out for my day:
Execute for three solid one-hour blocks
Have lunch + errands
Attend three meetings
It was doable. I did backtrack a little by thinking that I would accomplish less than last week because it was a short week. But, all worked out well. I told myself, ‘I love you,’ whenever I wanted to judge myself. I accomplished a solid baseline of activities.
While at Whole Foods during lunch, I walked like God’s Trophy Wife, and people treated me as such. Several customers greeted me with hello as I walked into the store, and people who worked there when out of their way to help me. Plus, when it was time for me to check out, a register opened, so I didn’t have to wait in line. People indeed treat you in alignment with how you carry yourself. I’m finding it more accessible and easier to live in alignment with how I feel.
Miracles and Wonders
I got a second wind to do work after I took an evening break.
My mom called me to practice gratitude with her, which elevated my energy level.
I caught up with several friends and was able to share loving conversations with them
I discovered that the sound of vacuuming mixed with rain helps me fall asleep fast.
When it was time to resume my work block after lunch, I realized I had double-booked my leadership team meeting with a new client consultation. Plus, I had a standing meeting with my favorite mentor/investor immediately after. Luckily, everything moved right into place at the right time.
I loved our team meetings as Sid always wanted to talk about the new and comedy in between our strategic items. Kat has mastered completing the task list live so that we can handle almost all of our outstanding action items easily. Plus, I feel so lucky to have met with them every week for over two years. There is a level of comfort and bliss when. you can work with people who you gel so well with. As always, I’m forever grateful for their support.
By the end of the last meeting, I was too tired even to eat. I had been awake for 12 hours, and my body was throwing up the peace sign. I received a work request for 8 pm that day that I wanted to do but didn’t know if I could swing it.
So, I decided to take a short nap to see how I felt. After 20 minutes, I wanted to jump into the jacuzzi to perform affirmations in the water. Water magnifies emotions, so it’s always easy to declare what you want while in a body of water.
My intuition was telling me that my request for divine romantic love was on its way. Because of this, I wanted to specify how this love feels to ensure it’s right for me. At the end of my affirmations, I felt like I had fallen in love again.
I had a great business meeting and ended up staying up to watch Kaleidoscope on Netflix. Once I figured out that I had watched so many episodes that it was past my bedtime, I hurried to do a modified night routine, tried a new sleep sound remix, and passed out.