Deciding to Surrender
Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus

Deciding to Surrender

They say that periods of solitude are necessary for growth. I have been leaning into my solitude to learn how to be my best friend, to be the source of the energy that I expect, and how to navigate through the expectations and opinions of others.

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Be The Sun
Roshawnna Novellus Roshawnna Novellus

Be The Sun

“Do not diminish your light. Don’t pull back from people who need your light or the warmth of your presence with the knowledge that your truth brings. Be the Sun.’

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Ask and it is given
Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus

Ask and it is given

Today I started similar to Day 1, but with a bit more sleep. I decided not to stick to my optimal 5 am wakeup time and let my body tell me when I had enough sleep so that I could start my routine then. I had a bit of flexibility today as my meetings were all grouped at the end of the day.

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Releasing 2022: Day 1 of no task lists
Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus

Releasing 2022: Day 1 of no task lists

Sometimes bliss is having a completely spontaneous day with an empty to-do list. This is how I decided to end the year. Luckily I was surrounded by the right amount of love. Story told by Roshawnna Novellus.

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The battle between surrendering, the soft life, my habit of working 16-hour days, and missing him
Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus Week 1 Roshawnna Novellus

The battle between surrendering, the soft life, my habit of working 16-hour days, and missing him

Today was a battle between 4 sides of me. We were only a few days into the surrendering game, so it was easy to forget how it felt. I fully enjoyed the soft life for at least the last six months so I could go back there with a snap of a finger. The 16-hour workday spanned 30 years of my life, and I finally kicked the habit in 2020. And he was all over my subconscious, an energy that was there even when he wasn’t in active focus.

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