Going with the flow while getting work done
Zoë Hart ending the day with personal care.
I woke up so proud of myself. Typically when I’m away from home or off my routine, I have intense anxiety.
I woke up so proud of myself. I have intense anxiety when I’m away from home or off my routine. For most of my life, I felt like accomplishing tasks was the only use of time. Luckily, I’ve worked through that feeling and embraced this letting go concept even more. I woke up feeling a bit tired but more at ease than normal.
I woke up and completed my usual 4-hour morning routine of affirmations, working out, eating breakfast, getting ready, and journal writing. The only difference was that I switched the order to prioritize icing my knee as it hurt more than average, probably because the last run was less than 12 hours ago. I’ve tried to stay in tune with what my body wants and needs, not what I think I need to accomplish. Somehow someway, I didn’t run out of time. I could start my work routine at 9 am as scheduled.
Miracles and Wonders
I finally overcame my perfectionist nature and shared my surrender experiment with my eight closest friends.
I was able to do both creative writing and sales on the same day
I had an issue with my home that I couldn’t fix. So I texted someone I spoke with ten months ago to see if he could help. Within 10 minutes, my issue was resolved. The person was so kind to assist a stranger.
I was able to take two naps in between tasks with the efficiency created today, something I haven’t been able to relax enough to do in months
My goal was to focus on sales from 9 to 12 to ensure that I continued to put it out there that I expected abundance in multiple disciplines. The main difference between now and before was that instead of feeling stressed or anxious about it, I felt calm and simply that I was going through the motions.
So I spent two hours sending invoices, following up with prospects, and communications for EnrichHER and HoneyVest. Next, I started onboarding one of the clients I could attract from Day 2 of the experiment. I felt so happy and excited to work with her.
Next, I decided to try to give myself a two-hour lunch break. I’ve found that when I switch types of activities, I become more creative and efficient. The old me would sit in the same spot for 12 hours straight and wonder why I felt so bad.
During this time, I cooked lunch, unpacked boxes, and spent some time in nature. I felt renewed and refreshed when I started to get back to work.
In the next few hours, I had a few more consultations and did a lot of creative writing in between. The lunch experiment enabled me to let go of my perfectionist nature and move forward in both my sales and creative spaces. By 6, I had completed 100% of my task list and could squeeze in my nap before heading to one of my self-care appointments.
Today felt terrific in the flow between using different sides of my skill sets. I see how that knowing self and planning around that knowledge is the key to staying happy while getting things done.