Living through expectations and faith in the perfect day
It was a complete day of bliss with the absence of fear, doubt, or any barriers to any desire. This day showed me how we each choose the experiences that we want.
Embracing Paradise + a phone light adventure
I awoke to the dream and no power. I figured it was a fluke and that it would resolve shortly. I woke up again an hour later to the sound of rustling. I ended up saving two of my group members who were stuck in their rooms. The house was hot, dark, and there were hours between now and the sunrise.
The adventure of leaving Tulum
Today I decided to wake up and write in my journal outside next to our heated pool. I’m not sure why this never crossed my mind before this moment. The warm weather, the sound of the waterfalls, and the beauty of the earth at sunrise were more than anyone could ask for.
Going with the flow while getting work done
I woke up so proud of myself. Typically when I’m away from home or off my routine, I have 4intense anxiety. For most of my life, I felt like accomplishing tasks was the only use of time. Luckily, I’ve worked through that feeling and embraced this letting go concept even more. I woke up feeling a bit tired but more at ease than normal.
Closing deals while enduring food poisoning
At 3 a.m. yesterday I knew I had food poisoning. By 6 a.m., I was calling my mommy to ask what to do. She told me that she hid some Pepto in my house, lol.
Activated charcoal saves the day
I’m not sure about you, but when I feel better, I am extra hype. I want to do everything all at once. I have to make myself calm down and relax to ease into the day. So, while I usually spend the first hour of the day listening to affirmations, knew that I was just tossing and turning and not paying attention to the message.